Tuesday, 15 June 2010

A month in my home country

A taste of Spain

Life in London is just how it always was. It is the climate that does it. Some days it is ok but most days it is simply grey. I miss those glorious Madrid skies. Those days when you wake up to rain but know by lunchtime it will all be gone. In London, not only is it wet and grey but it is cold. Even when the sun shines a little it is cold. I know it is not fair to compare but it is true.

I am counting down the days until I can return and trying my best to enjoy being here. My love affair with London is over for the time being.

It has been a month and I am back in the swing of office life but I am missing my students and teaching more than I could have imagined a year ago. Roll back a year and I was in a very different place. It was in the middle of the Vaughan training course and hating every minute of what was supposed to be my future! I was doubting my ability to teach English that's for sure. I thought I could pass the course and it would be ok but it was not a system of learning and teaching that suited me. At the end of the week we went our separate ways and the next eleven months was a total exploration for me and a chance to learn what I really wanted from life. It was tough and I almost gave up but I got through.

I am reconnecting with old friends and habits - not all good - and find myself seeking the Spanish in London life. I went to the Taste of Spain festival in Regent Street and the highlight was a festival band from Segovia. I have found a native Spanish teacher to practise my Spanish with. I have joined a Spanish language meet up group and I am supporting Spain to win the World Cup. I spend at least an hour a day on learning Spanish and it is working!

I have a sense of urgency because I am going back to Madrid in October, I can't face another winter in London and have the chance to make the change. 
So my blog is going to be London focused for a few more months but hopefully with a Spanish flavour!   

1 comment:

  1. Well, I for one am glad that your love affair with London is over. Not just because I've never been able to stand the place (!) but because it means you'll be coming back here to join the rest of us expat reprobates!

    I wouldn't be too jealous about the skies over here at the moment either. Apart from a brief interlude on Monday, it's been wall-to-wall (or horizon-to-horizon) clouds for days!!!


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